Small Kitchen Storage Ideas

Image Source: Design and photography by Design & Style to Love

We don’t all have the luxury of large kitchen spaces with butler’s pantry (but thankfully dreams are free). So, when it comes to small to medium kitchens, that’s where smart design and amazing storage solutions come into play.

With planning and research, and a good understanding of how you utilise your kitchen, you can still have the kitchen of your dreams, that maximises space and storage.

The kitchen is one of, if not the most expensive spaces to renovate, and deserves and needs the most planning. This is not one of those jobs left for the last minute. The details are what makes a successful kitchen, and part of that success is STORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE!

From cutlery, to pots and pans, food, appliances, the humble but often used kettle and toaster, everything needs a home, and for most, out of view. Drawers are great for accessing right to the back - whether in a pantry or underneath the kitchen bench, and a tandem drawer can give you external symmetry and pleasing aesthetics, whilst maximising storage opportunities within. Above is an example image, which shows a tandem drawer - one with cups and glasses, above the outer drawer holding a dinner plate set. Instead of a deep drawer that meant, stacking lots of glasses, or a smaller dinner set not fully utilising the space, this was a perfect solution to maximise storage and easy access every day.

These days there are so many incredible kitchen storage solutions, and blum and Hafele are two of the top brands you may have heard of that can help maximise your space with clever kitchen storage solutions. Whether it’s a tandem drawer, corner peanut, dividing system, space corner or tower, carousels or under sink cabinet, there’s a solution that can help get you organised and maximise space.

Things to consider & some ideas for storage solutions in your kitchen are:

  • Microwave - hide it in the pantry at bench height, so it’s still easily accessible, but hidden and not too high or low

  • Toaster - either in a cupboard (like image above with other appliances) or in the pantry with access to a powerpoint

  • Wine rack - this ones hidden in the pantry (see image), but it could be above the fridge, on the other side or end of the kitchen island. Also think about where you will stock drinks - alcoholic or other beverages. A cupboard may be more suitable vs a drawer.

  • Kids lunch boxes & food - one central point or location may be handy, so the kids can help get theirs ready, or failing that, have somewhere to go for snacks after school. this might be a dedicated area in the pantry or particular cupboard or drawer.

  • Oven trays - don’t waste the space under the oven. It’s the perfect place to have a little pop down to store your oven trays, rather than simply being a fixed board.

  • Cutlery & Utensils - don’t overlook a great system for this, that helps with ease of access and order.

  • Cling film, baking paper, foil, rubbish bags - where will you store these? Drawer or see image above for a little nook in the pantry idea.

  • Bins - under the sink or drawer pullouts, singles or doubles are great for general waste, recycling and composting if desired.

  • Large platters - don’t forget the larger items that will need a special spot. A drawer, wider cupboard or shelf in the pantry.

  • Spice & condiments drawers - don’t forget a place for the herbs & spices. A drawer makes it easy to see and access, rather than rummaging around to try and find what you’re looking for.

  • Style - inject your personality and style in your kitchen. Whether it’s some beautiful platters or boards, wooden grinders to add some texture and warmth, your favourite cookbook, or a fun vase to hold some of your utensils.

The kitchen renovation can get overwhelming with so many decisions and things to consider. If you need help from somebody who loves attention to detail and thinking outside the square, give me a shout.

To see a reel of some of these ideas brought to life, check out our Instagram.


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