Book Shelf Styling

Image Source: Design & Style to Love - Massage Studio Project

7 Book Shelf Styling Tips

  1.  Don’t clutter it up, keep it simple!

    Whether you’re styling your shelves for the first time, or restyling your shelves, be sure not to stuff them full. It’s the perfect time to declutter and refine what you display. It’s not a place to stuff all those things you don’t otherwise have a place for in your space!

  2.  Cohesive colour palette

    Think about your rooms colour scheme and try to stick to 2-3 colours that fit together. This makes it visually appealing and is easy on the eye. For this massage studio, I kept to a neutral palette with accents of blush and sage.

  3.  Ground your bookcase

    Put larger items like baskets or boxes at the bottom. For this studio I’ve used baskets to store towels and facecloths, making it both functional storage and aesthetically pleasing.

  4.  Mix up shapes and sizes

    Using the styling guide of three, mix varying heights and shapes to create rhythm which helps to create interest and draw your eye across the shelf. Also consider functionality, like the massage oil dish placed at a height that assists usability.

  5.  Add some greenery

    If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of indoor plants. It’s no surprise that Biophilic Interior Design is increasingly popular. Biophilic interior design means incorporating nature into our indoor environment. It comes from the word Biophilia – meaning Love of Nature. Biophilic Design focuses on creating a calming space with a visual connection with nature while improving wellbeing, health and productivity. Perfect for this massage studio.

  6.  Have fun

    Most importantly, have fun! Include a mix of meaningful, beautiful and functional pieces that make sense for you and your space.

  7. Edit, edit, edit!

    Stand back to take it in and edit, edit, edit until it looks visually appealing and fits its surroundings and your space. Does it make sense and make you happy?!

    If you need help decluttering, organising, interior styling your space, contact our interior designer Jodie.


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